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The Boys Are Home After a Job Well Done In Dominica
Mon, December 18, 2017
The tiny island nation of Dominica was almost completely obliterated by Hurricane Maria. Months after the storm, though, the island is coming back together - with a lot of outside help. Many countries pitched in and Belize was one of them. 6 weeks ago we sent 35 soldiers from the Belize Defense Force to help with the re-construction effort. After doing a great deal of light engineering work they have returned with a lot to share from their productive mission. We spoke to two of the soldiers this afternoon.

Captain Miguel Tuyub, Belize Defense Force
"We did refurbishing of two buildings at the Grammer School and we did some actual repairment at the museum. We fully refurbished the building at the Vacas. That is the Village Council Building. We did the Court House and The Police Station. We also did work at the Cathedral. The Catholic Cathedral. We did repairs there and then we did additional tasking when it came to RSS. Transporting things from one point to another."

"Overall the island had suffered damages when it comes to the houses, government buildings, and other entities buildings. They really did suffer drastic damages. it was less than 50% standing up when it comes to damages."

Sergeant Rondine Jones, Belize Defense Force
"For myself, it was very gratifying to actually be out there assisting and lending a hand. The people there were very welcoming and encouraging. When we were on our job site they would pass and honk their horns and tell us thank you."

The Belize Defense Force was joined by forces from Jamaica, Trinidad, Cuba, Barbados, St. Vincent, and Grenada.

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