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Minister of Works Says No Mining License Was Needed In Cayo Explosion
Fri, January 5, 2018
At today's house meeting, Works Minister Renee Montero answered questions about the explosion in the Santa Cruz area of Santa Elena Town. The questions were put to him by the opposition about the fact that the mining unit says there was no license to blast in the area. He says none was needed.

Hon. Rene Montero - Minister of Works
"If this case the mining licence was not necessary because it was just a blast to check and see if the material was adequate for the road construction that was under operation."

Hon. Wilfred Elrington - Minister of Home Affairs
"Was there any consultation done with residence before the blast was done? The role of the police department is to provide license to competent persons to possess and discharge explosives. It is not the role of the police to conduct public consultation in respect to the use of a pit or a quarry. However, as mentioned before police officers actively assisted in informing and in evacuating residence within the danger area. Although the export had recommended a 200 yards radius as a safe all residence within an 800 yard radius were in fact evacuated."

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