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Jason Canto’s Alleged Killer On Trial
Wed, February 7, 2018
Jason Canto was killed in a barbershop on the canal side in May of 2012. On Monday, Norman Slusher went on trial without jury for his murder. But, the interesting wrinkle in the case is that Slusher was also shot in the melee. In court today, the police witness stated his belief that the man who shot him - was another armed patron at the barber shop, businessman Jose Shoman.

The motive for the murder is not certain but Canto was shot as many as eight times to the body. A trail of blood led police to an abandoned house where the injured gunman sought refuge after being shot.

Police Inspector Ishmael Westby said that one gun was found at the scene, and said he later met businessman Jose Shoman at the police station, where he had handed over his licensed 9 millimeter pistol.

Officer Westby said that in his opinion, a minimum of two firearms were involved that night.

Slusher's attorney is Simeon Sampson. The case continues tomorrow.

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