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Jamal Took His Story to NatGeo
Thu, June 28, 2018
Last night we told you about the adventures of Jamal and Tarzan as they took in an injured baby manatee. Well, linking up with an American social media sensation such as Tarzan isn't the only way Jamal Galvez is spreading awareness about manatees. He is now a NatGeo fellow and he plans to use that platform to highlight the issues manatees face in Belize. Yesterday he told us about the importance of this prestigious award.

Galvez spent 1 week in Washington D.C participating in trainings and public discussions. He got $25,000 US dollars from the fellowship. Galvez says he will use that money to fund surveys, patrols to ensure that boats are complying with the regulations along with many other manatee protection initiatives.

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