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Turf War In UDP Brings Out “The King” In The Port
Tue, October 23, 2018
The standard bearer convention in Port Loyola will be held 12 days from now. The four way race is the most hotly contested in the UDP convention season - and it's already creating major friction on the ground.

That's because of turf issues. The current area rep Boots Martinez told us today he is the current King of the Port. That's right, "the KING." And, seems he doesn't like interlopers stepping into his turf trying to crown their own king. We're referring to Patrick Faber and John Saldivar - who are reported to be both campaigning with Phillip Willoughby. They're supposedly doing that to neutralize Michael Peyrefitte who is the candidate Boots Martinez is supporting. Like them, Peyrefitte is said to have his own designs on leadership - and, in this, he has some senior inter-party support.

Martinez reportedly had a face off with Faber on the campaign trail over the weekend - and today he called us in to make a declaratory statement: that his reign over the Port continues after the convention. Here's how he put it:..

Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez - Port Loyola
"People must not get it twisted and I'm pointing this straightforward to Phillip Willoughby of who said to me after the 4th, he will take over the office - any program in here. Obviously I think he don't understand what is his role to start with that 1) an area representative is the only paid person from the consolidated funds. This is not an election to elect a representative. This is an election to elect a standard bearer."

"You are saying that Mr. Willoughby or other candidates are going to give voters the impression that once November 4th if he wins or whichever winner emerges - they then take up the post as effectively as area rep. I guess they are not in parliament, but effectively it's them who will be handling the goods and the services which comes to Port Loyola."

Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez - Port Loyola
"Phillip Willoughby definitely is, because he said it in front of me and some voters and I have to say bwoy, you don't know what you are doing. I am sorry, you certainly doesn't know what you are doing. So there is no goods he is entitle to give away. Like for example, he talking he will run things off and who will get things here. No sir. You don't know your jurisdiction at all. My granny would say you don't have a pot to piss in, much less a window to throw it out from. In simple terms, none of those men can't do anything without me. Simple terms."

"Like in some senses, you would say you put Port Loyola as the kingdom. There is only one king in the kingdom. In other words of one of the candidates would come out as the heir to the throne - when there is an heir to the throne, the king doesn't leave, until the king dies and which in this sense, the king will die on nomination day sir in 2020. So whatsoever it is the people of Port Loyola will still visit the king, because it's the king who has the goods and services, not Mr. Peyrefitte, not Dean Samuels, not AC Castillo, not Phillip Willoughby."

"Even though you are a lame duck representative, that's the technical term they use in the States right."

Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez - Port Loyola
"No. I am a live duck representative. No lame. You don't hear I am not going anywhere now. I am not going anywhere after the 5th. How will I be lame. I am a live duck. It's me who is initiating the campaign to ask the people of Port Loyola to help me choose the heir to the throne."

"I just need to let the people of Port Loyola knows, like Oliver would say "okay my man, Boots Martinez ain't going nowhere, I am here to stay until my time is up."

"Mr. Dean Lindo, your former party Leader use to say "when hog gwine da slaughter house." Sir, you are retiring from politics. Wouldn't it be the humble and wise and true thing to do to just render onto Caesar what is for Caesar. Let the men they get a run."

Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez - Port Loyola
"But you can't render onto Caesar what he doesn't deserved. There is no way they could do it. How could you pass over community vote to an unelected heir. They will make the recommendation."

And while Martinez will consider those recommendations, as you heard it's his prerogative to act in his own deliberate judgement when disbursing government resources.

But, he supports Michael Peyrefitte - and it's clear, he is working, and would work with him in the Port. That's because - and someone has finally said this - he thinks Peyrefitte can be party leader and Prime Minister:...

Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez - Port Loyola
"I believe that the best heir to the throne is Michael Peyrefitte and that is my humble and honest view from the bottom of my heart and furthermore, I am saying apart from Michael being the representative for Port, I think Michael might be the prospective leader of the party and maybe one day be prime minister. That is just my personal view and that is my wishes."

"Since your verbalize that, might it not then be more practical to step aside and have a bi-election so that if you feel that your candidate or your heir to the throne as you called it is leadership material, that he can ascend to the leadership, rather than the try a thing in his first election?"

Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez - Port Loyola
"First thing first, for example in my case, I need the first thing first. That is my personal view that I expressed to you. You can't run for no leadership if you are not even a standard bearer. I am sorry. So I am taking it first thing first. I believe that a challenge will be mounted when Mr. Peyrefitte becomes the heir to the throne in Port Loyola at the leadership convention. I don't know what will happen. That is my belief."

"But in that case, wouldn't it be best to just have a bi-election?"

Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez - Port Loyola
"How would you have a bi-election when first thing first? The man needs to be the standard bearer, the when he becomes the candidate for leadership, then if he wins, other equation comes into play and that equation that will come into play or would deemed to come into play will be on how I feel and what is my sentiments. I am still the king you know. They are heir to the throne."

We'll have the response from Phillip Willoughby tomorrow - which we were unable to get today due to time constraints.

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