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ITVET Teachers Stage Two Day Sitout in OW Over Late Pay
Thu, November 15, 2018

16 Teachers at the ITVET in Orange Walk have been staging a sit-out for the past two days.  They refuse to go into the classroom to teach because of late salaries - and the 300+ students have just been sitting out as well. The problem is apparently a recurrent one - which happens every year.

This afternoon, an emergency meeting was held in Orange Walk with the Teachers, The Deputy Chief Education Officer and the BNTU.

A staff spokesperson spoke with the media when it was finished at 5:15:…

Luis Ramos - OW ITVET Staff Spokesperson
"Well the issue is that we went on a sit out because of some of the concerns that our staff had and the last resort was to have an audience with the relevant authorities which we had today."

"What are some of those concerns that you've been having?"

Luis Ramos
"Among them is several of them but some of them are issues with regarding to salary."

"What exactly about salary, you guys were not receiving salary, what is the situation, just clarify some of these things for us."

Luis Ramos
"I would want to leave it at there, it is only salary wise and at this point I think we are making progress."

"It is a matter that you guys weren't receiving a salary? Is it that the salary was late?"

Luis Ramos
"The whole issue of this is that we as teachers of the Orange Walk ITVET and all the ITVET across the country, we are seen as contract officers and that has brought out the whole problem, so we have offered solutions, we have offered solutions to the officials and we are saying that bring us into the permanent teaching status and so I think with that, we will have all the problems resolved."

"The problems you are not clarifying for us what exactly is the problem that your facing?"

Luis Ramos
"The thing with the contracts and the lenghty process of how monies as disburts."

"So your salaries are essentially very late in coming?"

Luis Ramos
"Right, essentially that's what we have and we will be waiting on further information. Tomorrow we will continue and we will see what transpires after that."

"Continue to sit out or do you teach tomorrow?"

Luis Ramos
"We will be waiting on the response of the person who had agreed to give us a response by tomorrow. The minute we get the response, the minute we start back into our classes."

"Is there a deadline for you guys to see if you will be going back or if the sit out will extend?"

Luis Ramos
"Like what we explained to our officials, yes there is a deadline."

"Should you not get a response, have you guys perhaps talk in advance what happens next if you don't get a favourable response tomorrow?"

Luis Ramos
"Yes we have thought of it and we are saying as a matter of fact from the beginning we wanted the minister involved and if nothing happens, we want to pursue that route. If that doesn't get anything solved, then I guess we're talking about even having the prime minister involved."

"Are you prepared for further industrial action should you not get what you want?"

Luis Ramos
"Definitely, my teachers here are ready and we are steadfast on what we thing."

We’’ll tell you what response is given tomorrow.

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