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Pvt Fidel Williams Back Home
Thu, December 13, 2018

Private Fidel Williams - the soldier who lost his eye in an on-duty accident - has returned from Merida but the doctors could not operate on him as yet. CEO of Defense Felix Enriquez told us more.

Felix Enriquez - CEO, Defence
"I actually met with him earlier this week, he's simply in very good spirit. He has returned from his initial visit to the doctors in Merida. They couldn't perform surgery on him because he's still healing, so he's schedule to return at some point. So for right now he's on sick leave and on recovery."

"Are there plans to repair the base?"

Felix Enriquez
"That is happening as we speak. The logistics are falling into place  to repair not just the pier but also the surrounding area."

Williams will return to Merida for further treatment. He is at home on sick leave. 

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