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FCD Discusses Referendum and What It Could Mean For Chiquibul
Wed, January 9, 2019
At the top of the news, we showed you the public declaration that Prime Minister Dean Barrow and the 4 former PUP foreign Minister's signed today to encourage Belizeans to vote yes in the upcoming ICJ referendum.

One person that might have an interesting take on the whole matter is the Executive Director of Friends for Conservation and Development. He and his organization have been at the frontlines, as they continue their efforts to preserve Belize's forests in the Chiquibul region, despite intensive Guatemalan incursions. A bilateral state solution to the problem is lacking as a direct consequence of the territorial dispute.

So, whatever is decided come April 10th will inevitably have long term effects on FCD's continued efforts. With that in mind today we spoke to Rafael Manzanero on the matter and here is what he told us.

Rafael Manzanero, Executive Director
"Well I think that this event for example as how I mentioned, it certainly is good to see that there is sort of an objective setting being displayed, because it does bring experts and people who have been also behind these issues for many years. I think that gives it the sort of foundation for us to understand more about what really is going on from those levels."

"Come April what will you vote?"

Rafael Manzanero, Executive Director
"I think it is really one of those where just like all Belizeans of course we are looking at the information that is coming in. I think it is one of those where as all Belizeans we do have that ability of understanding all the matters as best as we can and so we are trustful that we will be informed."

A recent FCD study revealed that there are 48 active illegal encroachments on the Western border within four protected forest reserves. That same study showed that the biggest are of concern is within the Chiquibul region and the most prominent illegal activity is cattle farming.

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