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Were Shots Fired Inside?
Mon, January 14, 2019
And while Compol Williams defused that situation, one thing that is left uncertain is the reports that shots were fired inside the building after police had detained the three suspects.

In a Facebook live coverage of the event Marisol Amaya for Krem News witnessed what sounds like the discharge for ammunition inside the establishment. Some people from the area said they distinguished the sound as that of rubber bullets. However, when asked today Compol Chester Williams refuted those claims.

"We understand that fires was shot inside the building. Is that true?'

Chester Williams - Police Commissioner

"We understand that rubber bullets or something to that effect was shot inside the building?"

Chester Williams - Police Commissioner

However as you saw in the video, after hearing, what appeared to be gunshots, police officers that were lingering outside immediately drew their weapons and stormed inside the building. What those sounds were exactly, well, the Compol wouldn't say.

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