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Man Accused of Attempted Murder With Vehicle
Fri, February 22, 2019

Since he’s taken up office, Police Commissioner Chester Williams has stressed that domestic incidents have now emerged as a leading cause of murder - and that police will take them more seriously.

He’s talking about cases like a recent one in San Pedro where a man rammed into a lamp-post, while his ex common law wife shielded herself behind it.  

59 year-old Noel Wiltshire, a taxi driver of San Pedro Town, was today released on Supreme Court bail after being remanded for allegedly trying to run over his ex common-law wife with his vehicle. 

48 year-old Guatemalan Maria Cristino Mateo, reported to police that she, her common-law husband and a female friend were walking on Nurse Shark Street in San Pedro Town. They were heading towards Pelican Street when she saw a white van coming at them with high speed. She tried to take cover behind a lamp post and the van slammed right into it.  The impact did stop the van, its front portion struck her left knee, and sent her to the ground. She told police that that the driver of the van reversed the vehicle and tried to run her over with it a second time, but her friend managed to pull her out of its path just in time. While the vehicle was driving away, she recognized the person behind the steering wheel as her ex-common-law husband, Noel Wiltshire. She told investigators that Wiltshire threatened to kill her the day before.

Police charged Wiltshire with attempted murder, 2 counts of use of deadly means of harm, and grievous harm. 

Wiltshire’s attorney, Oscar Selgado, applied for Supreme Court bail in front of Justice Herbert Lord today, and after hearing from both Selgado and Senior Crown Counsel Shanice Lovell, the judge granted him bail of $10,000. He must abide by the conditions of staying away from, Mateo, the complainant, and he cannot go within 100 yards of her.

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