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Is Immigration Director Peter Parchue's Job On The Line?
Thu, May 13, 2004

Ever since his daughter and employee, April Parchue was implicated for forging receipts at the Department of Immigration; embattled Director of Immigration Peter Parchue has been the subject of public speculation and the cause of internal disquiet.

And now, senior sources in government this evening told 7NEWS that the decision has been taken to transfer Parchue. No date has been finalized but those sources say that he will be transferred to the NEMO office in what is still an unspecified capacity. But for the time being, Parchue remains in place at the Department of Immigration and government's point man at the Ministry Gian Ghandi who is responsible for Immigration Affairs confirmed that he is still director despite hot and heavy rumors today that he had been removed.

Ghandi also confirmed reports that a broader investigation into irregularities at the department is underway. Those irregularities extend far beyond the April Parchue false receipt flap and involve the illegal issuance of visas which, when fully revealed, looks to be another black eye for the department's badly bruised public image.

And on the back of all this, 7NEWS has received credible reports that an investigation is also underway into what appears to be glitches with a pair of permanent residency cards issued by the Belize Tourism Board under the retired persons incentives program. The program encourages foreigners to retire in Belize in exchange for permanent residence.

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