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Dengue Outbreak May Worsen With Rains
Tue, August 20, 2019
And, now, we have an update on the latest Dengue statistics and trends in Belize. There are almost two thousand reported cases - but health experts say that with the onset of rains - those numbers could increase rapidly.

Here's what the Vector Control Chief told us today in Belmopan:...

Kim Bautista, Chief of Operations - Vector Control
"At the start of week 34, but at the end of week 33 we were at 950 laboratory confirmed - that both public and private sector and 814 clinical for a total of 1,764 dengue cases. We are still anticipating that it could or it may or may not increase at this point, because we are anticipating the rains to start in the coming weeks. So that figure could change for the worse. Starting today and for the next month we have an additional 16 staff deployed to the specific districts that we are targeting at this time which includes Corozal, Orange Walk, Cayo and Stann Creek. So we are anticipating that we will keep those persons on for at least towards the end of October or November."

"I think that the general direction that we are going is: 1) to increase the number of staff that we have on the ground and: 2) also to increase the community engagement. So I believe that it doesn't matter how much money that we pump into this thing, if you're not getting the cooperation from stakeholders and the public in general, it won't really translate into a quick reduction in cases. That's basically where we are at this point."

"Let's talk about spraying. I received a lot of just oral reports that people feel that there is not enough spraying happening. What would be your reaction to this?"

Kim Bautista
"The thing is thing: in general, when the rains come, you get that explosion in the mosquito population. Everybody expects that their village will sprayed. You are talking about over 200 localities countrywide, each district having at least 2 units that are out there spraying. Belize has a total of 3 in the city and also Caye Caulker and San Pedro. But at any given time we have at least 18 units countrywide spraying at all times. We are talking about anywhere between I would say 70-80 drums of malathion a year. Over the past couple of years, it's been increasing. Years past we were talking about maybe 50. So you could look at the intensification of spraying. The general sentiment will be that we want more spraying, but at the same time it's not reciprocal. You're not telling me wells I'm doing my part, but Ministry of Health isn't doing their part. So it has to be a shared responsibility on the part of the household or those calling for spraying as well."

"At lot of this has to do with personal responsibility as well which you just alluded to. A lot of times its easy to blame the authorities and to say X, or Y isn't doing enough, but often times we have to look literally in our own backyard. Explain that component, what the community needs to do to keep itself safe."

Kim Bautista
"You look at most positive containers right now. We are not getting a lot of rain. We're experiencing a drought, not only in Belize, but within this little region of Central America. So most of the containers that we've been seeing are drums and buckets and of course the numerous quantities of tyres in different districts that there is not proper disposal of tyres in this country. So those are the most positive containers that are being reported. Positive, meaning they have the Ades Egypti wiggle waggle as we called it in those tyres. What we are appealing to the public for is always to take a little walk around the yard, look at artificial containers that are breathing these mosquitoes."

"Everybody out there will say I don't want to catch dengue. What should I do to not catch dengue."

Kim Bautista
"The message is the same. I think people don't like to wear repellent in Belize. That's number one, but it is effective using the repellent. Even your average repellent in the store will only last 3 hours at a time when you put it on. I think the message has to be from our perspective it starts at the home in terms of ensuring that not only your yard, but the neighbour yard is always clean."

And that clean up of your yard could save your life. As we reported last week, one woman, a 30 year old mother in San Jose, Orange Walk lost her life due to severe Dengue. Bautista discussed her case and another that is still being investigated:

Kim Bautista, Chief of Operations - Vector Control
"In terms of severe cases up to Saturday we had 56 severe cases or dengue haemorrhagic fever cases classified countrywide. So that remains I would say on the top of our priority list, simply because what we are seeing is that majority of those cases are in persons below the age of 15 and we are also seeing in the elderly and also a few cases within the maternal group as well."

"At least we know that we have one. Are we accepting that as confirm and that there maybe be 2? or is this not something that falls under your ambit?"

Kim Bautista
"The maternal and child health unit is working along with the private sector and the 2 health regions that reported those suspected maternal deaths as a result of dengue. We know that only 1 had a lab results accompanying that which was the case from San Jose in the North. Of course it's a case that came from the private sector Northern Medical Plaza and it was managed by the private sector and so which is why we are trying to include them in terms of the improvement in case management. The other case I believe is still under review. that's from Santa Cruz in Stann Creek."

We'll keep following that second case in Santa Cruz, Stann Creek to see if Dengue is confirmed. Notably Dengue infection rates are the lowest in Toledo and so far the Belize District has reported a few case sin Ladyville and the islands. If it reaches the city, the national figures could increase sharply.

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