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Cops Say He Burnt Down Ex's House
Thu, August 22, 2019

On Monday's news, we took you to Lords Bank Village, where Kimberly Betancourt's home was destroyed by fire on Sunday night. Betancourt suspected arson, and the authorities have now agreed with her. They've since arrested and charged her ex-common-law husband, 32-year-old Jose Manuel Portillo, with arson.

He was arraigned today before Senior Magistrate Aretha Ford, who explained to him that she will not take any plea because the charge is indictable. The police prosecutor made strong objections to bail, and though his attorney, Richard "Dickie" Bradley made counter submissions, the Senior Magistrate agreed with the prosecution. She remanded him to the Belize Central Prison until October 30th, his next court date.

Of note is that Portillo was arraigned yesterday on the offenses of common assault and threatening words before Magistrate Stephanie Gillett. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, but he was not released on bail because of the pending arson charge.

At around 8:00 on Sunday, Betancourt's 20 feet by 30 foot wooden home burst into flames. The fire quickly destroyed the entire structure, valued at $27,000, as well as all her belongings, which has an estimated value of just over $7,000. The blaze spread to the next door property belonging to Bert Ramos, the owner of Ramos Bus Company. It did minor structural damage this 2-story cement building but firefighters responded quickly and put out the blaze.

As we reported, Betancourt told us that her ex made threats that he was going to burn down her house, and he even made prior attempts.

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