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Elections and Boundaries Says A Clean List is Everybody’s Business
Mon, September 30, 2019
And in other news about the allegations of voter registration fraud, the Elections and Boundaries Department sent out a press release late last week Friday.

Their statement says, quote, "…The Representation of the People Act clearly outlines the process and steps that are required to be taken prior to any individual becoming a registered elector. As such, the department operates strictly within the rule of law."

Their statement goes on to explain that the registering officer has to conduct investigations into the facts set out in each application. Where the registering officer is not satisfied that the applicant met the required qualifications, that elector is disallowed. That elector is given an opportunity to appeal the decision.

Elections and Boundaries goes on to explain that any person, who is a registered elector for a particular division, can object to the officer's inclusion of the name of any person who is on the voter's list for that particular division. The objection and appeals period is between the 15th and the 25th of each month.

Their statement ends by saying, quote, "Objections and appeals are healthy for democracy therefore the law provides for such to occur in the process.We all have a role to play in safeguarding democracy in our country."

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