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Tropic Boss Opposes An Air Monopoly
Thu, December 12, 2019

And while San Pedro has two more Firetrucks - it's unlikely that they will have a new air carrier any time soon. And they don't need one.  The island is serviced very regularly by Tropic Air and Maya with dozens of flights a day. 

Some say that the competition isn't sustainable - and there have been rumors for years that the two companies may have to consider a merger.  Tropic's CEO says it's not a good idea:â€Â¦

Jules Vasquez
"Are the air route, air ways, or skies in Belize, is it large enough for two major carriers like Tropic and Maya Island?"

Steve Schulte - CEO, Tropic Air
"I think competition is essential, I think that once you have a monopoly, you're going to go down that road of people never feeling comfortable with you. As long as people have alternatives and you offer them a good service for value, I think we'll be fine and competition is something that requires that. It will make us better, it does make us better and I think it makes our competitor better. I think it's the best of our worlds, I just don't believe in monopolies."

Combined, the two airlines have close to two dozen planes, mostly Cessna Caravans.

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