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When Will The Ventilators Arrive?
Tue, March 31, 2020
And, you heard Nurse Miller describe the importance of ventilators. She's at a hospital in New York where they have been able to keep enough ventilators in circulation, so far. But, in Belize there are only 10 at the KHMH. No other public hospital has one. But we've been hearing that there are more on the way, 6 more, then 20 more, then 28 more….But, none cyaah reach yet! So we asked DHS Marvin Manzanero about that today:

Jules Vasquez- Reporter
"Yesterday you said that the six would have arrived yesterday and that there were 20 on the way. Have they arrived? That's all I want to know."

Dr. Marvin Manzanero- Director of Health Services, MOH
"The six that have been paid were supposed to have arrived yesterday. Two from a local supplier, 18 more, that makes 20, plus 8 more that we got from a private company. And Karl Huesner has right now 10: 6 upstairs and 4 downstairs."

Jules Vasquez
"To just simply those numbers. We have not received the 6 which have been in progress for some time? You do not have them in hand?"

Dr. Marvin Manzanero

Jules Vasquez
"So when do you expect that you can show me them?"

Dr. Marvin Manzanero
"I have to go and check to see why they did not arrive yesterday."

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