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Finding Fish In A Time Of COVID
Thu, April 9, 2020

But, right now let’s take a wee break from all that COVID messaging. Yes, it’s upon us, and we are all living in its clutches, but some sense of normalcy must prevail as we come into the Easter Weekend.

Cherisse Halsall went looking for that at the Fish Market - where the cultural and religious practice of finding a Good Friday fish was in full effect.

In fact, it seems that tradition is one that is so essentially embedded into Belizean culture that not even a global Pandemic could put it on pause. At the fish market this morning, we were surprised to see that despite social distancing measures, decent-sized crowds turned up to get their freshly caught fish:

The Price of fish varied today and, while vendors say they were trying to help the poor we note that these average easter prices were set at the normal $8, $10, and $12 dollars a pound.

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