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Relief For Farmers
Tue, April 28, 2020
In the past weeks, we've been telling you about the different relief programs that the Government has rolled out to ease the pain caused by lost earnings or no money to buy food.

Well, during today's Senate Debate to extend the State of Emergency, Agriculture Minister Godwin Hulse discussed relief initiatives designed to help the nation's farmers.

You'll remember how last year's drought devastated the agricultural industries. Now, there is the COVID-19 threat, and on its heels, there is the forecasted drought for this year that everyone is already feeling the effects of.

During his Senate presentation this morning, the Leader of Government business discussed the relief measures for farmers::

Hon. Godwin Hulse, Minister of Agriculture
"During the last drought last year in a press conference at the Radisson I promised relief to the farmers. Do you know that the only way we were able to do that was because in the ministry we established what was called BAFR (Belizean Agriculture Farm Registry). Before that time nobody knew where a farmer was, what he had, who he was etc., so during hurricane time relief was all over the place. It was a complex detailed exercise. The apps to do it were produced by students in Corozal right in Belize. We didn't spend a lot on the apps and we did it digitally, so we could tell you where any farmer is, what he has, what he is doing etc., There was an issue with cane farmers under SIMIS, not registering and in that press conference I made the point that you will not get a assistance if I don't know you and this is not PUP nor UDP and I don't want you to say that the farmers that got assistance in the cane belt were UDP when you all didn't register. So we extended the period of registry one additional month, so all farmers could register. Low and behold after about 15 years of not being able to register those cane farmers, we got most of them registered."

"So, we were able to make assistance available to 1,333 cattle farmers. A total of $460,000 and these were farmers who had cattle from 200 down to 10 and then there a few who had less than 10 and we had to make a little out of the ministry proposal. The farmers over 200 we did not assist and this is not because cattle died, it is because they lost weight and the ministry analyses together with the cattle farmers that it was 50 pounds per animal at a certain price and that was the relief they got. Then the vegetable farmers: there were 686 farmers who grew vegetables etc., we gave them a total of $698,341. There were 92 in the Belize District, 375 in the Cayo District, 86 in the Corozal District and 132 in the Orange Walk District. Those were the 4 areas that we declare had drought and they all were assisted. 19 communities in the Belize District, 39 in the Cayo District, 14 in the Corozal District and 29 in the Orange Walk District. So that assistance was done."

"But let's get to Covid. Do you know that because of the drought the ministry engaged the World Bank for a loan of US$25 million. I mentioned that in this senate already and that 25 million dollars is well advanced. These institutions take time, but we are working that fund for drought assistance to the farmers to be able to improve their ability to maintain their crops and their animals through any subsequent dry period. That money will not be available until maybe September or October. It's beyond our control the speed at which the World Bank works, but at the same time there is a 21 million dollar which comes from the Climate Resilient Restructure Program called CRRP and I don't mean the gang Crip. It's called CRRP and the Prime Minister mentioned repeatedly that that money was going to be expedited to be part of this social assistance. I encouraged him - Prime Minister the farmers need assistance for Covid as well. They are not begging, they don't have their hands stretched, but if they can't sell their products and their vegetables rotten, they won't get any money, so they can't plant back so we need some assistance for them. He has agreed that some 14 million dollars out of that fund will go into that which hopefully will be available no later than 3 weeks at the outset maybe 4 weeks, from that part of the fund while the 25 million for the drought remains intact. So it's not accurate to say that there is no assistance and nothing is being done and then finally we engaged the central bank with all the stakeholders in the farming community to look at what we could do as a relief for those who had loans."

ICJ Presentation Extended

Next week Friday will make it 1 year since Belizeans voted yes in a National Referendum to take Guatemala's territorial claim over our country to the International Court of Justice.

Guatemala was scheduled to file its full case, known as their "Memorial", at the ICJ on June 8, 2020. They have since gone to the Court to ask for an extension of time, and they cite the COVID-19 pandemic as the main reason. They were asking for a 12-month extension, and after getting input from both countries, the court has decided to extend their deadline to December 8th, 2020.

The Government of Belize, through Ambassador Assad Shoman as the country's Agent, objected to Guatemala's request for 12 months. The Government did agree that the pandemic should afford them an extension, but GOB was only willing to concede to an extension of 2 months.

But, the ICJ has made its ruling, and today, the press asked Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte was asked about that outcome. He made it clear that he wasn't willing to question the decision of the judges:

Hon. Michael Peyrefitte
"It is what it is. The court has granted the extension. So, we will leave it at that. I don't want to - I generally do not speak about matters in process in court. This is the most important court matter this country ha had, and I will not start with this one. The court has made the decision to grant the extension. That's it."

"But on what basis did Belize's lawyers object?"

Hon. Michael Peyrefitte
"The court has granted the extension, brother. That's it."

As a result of the extension for Guatemala, Belize will now be allowed to file its Counter-Memorial by June 8th, 2022.

Crossing The Waterloo With Stevedores

Since last week we have been telling you about the proposed project at the Port of Belize. The Ashcroft-related company, Waterloo Investment Holdings Limited, has presented a 200 million US-dollar proposal for the Port's facelift, which Would establish a cruise port and rehabilitate and expand the container port.

Sounds good enough, but yesterday the PM said it's not approved at this time, and they need to talk to the Stevedores first:

Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow- Prime Minister
"That's not yet approved by the Cabinet. I don't know that it will be approved. I had a meeting before this thing got so completely out of hand- the Covid emergency- with people from Waterloo. And I did, quite frankly, say to them, I don't see any progress on the part of government until the matter with the stevedores and their, well, I don't want to say inexplicable, but the terrible delay in in-fact effecting a collective bargaining agreement. I was told, oh the size of the possible investment; that's fine but right now in the current climate, I don't see the monies for that investment materializing any time soon. And I did say to those people, this is not your first rodeo. As international players, global players, you might want to style yourself as, you surely know how to handle an industrial relations dispute. So, handle that and then we talk."

We'll keep following this story.

Curfew Breakers Charged

The Week started with a relaxation of the state of emergency regulations, inter-district movement was re instituted for essential workers, restaurants were allowed to re-open for takeout only, and construction was allowed to resume.

But some things remained very much the same, and it's too bad not everybody got the memo that movement for leisure and outside curfew is still restricted. Over the weekend it was the 20 river goers breaking the rules.

But yesterday, Monday the 27th April, 65 persons were arrested and charged for several offenses under the Emergency Powers Regulations.

30 of them were unable to provide reasons for movement outside of curfew period, 22 were arrested for breach of curfew, 7 people were arrested for failing to practice social distancing, 4 for keeping business establishment open when they were required to be closed, 3 for operating Public transportation outside the time specified, 1 person was arrested for hosting a restricted social event, and 1 person for the open burning of Refuse on private land.

Additionally, 3 persons were summoned for cross village movement.

Westline Bus Line Layoffs

Westline Bus Service is a major public transport provider for the country's western corridor. But, the company is preparing to downsize its operation in a significant manner, due to the State of Emergency. As a result, 90% of its staff are being laid off because the management simply can't afford to keep everyone on.

An internal memo, dated April 24, 2020, was shared with us, and in it, the CEO/General Manager discusses the hardship that has brought the company to this crossroad.

The memo says quote, "...The COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon us all significant challenges. We must re-examine our position both personally, as well as professionally. Therefore, it is with much discontentment that Westline Bus Company hereby informs... that we are unable to continue operations as per normal in the near future." End quote.

The Memo outlines that certain relief measures that the management implemented since the beginning of the State of Emergency. It also discusses how those relief measures are unsustainable.

And then, the CEO then delivers the bad news saying, quote, "These are truly unique and unprecedented times. We are uncertain how long the company will be able to operate with the past and present conditions, and those yet to face. For these reasons, we are obligated to proceed and lay-off almost 90% of our employees, from management personnel, down to garage staff and security guards..." End quote.

The two-page memo ends with the CEO saying, quote, "There is no other alternative but to wait out the negative effects of this pandemic and hope for a new beginning. We wish it hadn't come to this, and we are all much disheartened." End quote.

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