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Another Across The Southern Border
Wed, May 13, 2020
Earlier in the week, we told you about incursions across Belize's closed southern borders. Two persons were caught crossing that border, but, now, a 23-year-old Guatemalan woman has been caught in Punta Gorda town. Police apprehended Yesenia Neomi Hernandez Lima at a house in the town told the cops that she's been in the country for 2 months, a claim that they can neither prove nor disprove because she had no passports or documents of legal entry only an identification card.

Still, she was detained as a precautionary measure and taken to Punta Gorda Town Hospital for a mandatory COVID-19 test. She was later moved to the Town's Sporting Complex where she remains in quarantine - with others - until her test results come back. Thereafter Hernandez is expected to face immigration-related charges.

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