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No Drug Plane Found In South
Mon, June 8, 2020
We also asked the Police Commissioner to discuss those reports last week Friday that a drug plane landed in the Toledo District, near Graham Creek Village, which is right on the border with Guatemala.

As we told you, the location is vast and very difficult to traverse, but after extensive searches in the area, the security forces found no signs of a narco plane. Here's what the Commissioner had to say about it in today's press briefing:

Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police
"At this time, we have no information or concrete information that a plane did land. Yes, we had received preliminary information that a plane may have landed, but as you rightly said, members of the BDF Special Assignment Team, along with police officers had gone to the area. They made extensive searches of the area, and there was no sight or sign of any plane had landed in the area."

"Unlike the last plane landing, did authorities here receive any information from other counterparts in the region that a plane had left?"

Chester Williams
"Well, of course, we were out that night. We were monitoring the different tracks coming in the airspace, and the plane did fade off into that area. But, you'll know [that] the area is very close to the Guatemalan border. So, it could be that it went into Guatemala, instead of Belize."

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