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Infected Pharmacist Speaks About Symptoms
Mon, August 10, 2020
And, back to San Pedro, this weekend, Carlos Novelo, a pharmacist in the town, provided some insight into what it is actually like to manage the painful symptoms that come with COVID-19.

Several days ago, he tested positive with the virus, and to raise awareness about the virus, he decided to publicize a series of testimonials on his Facebook page. Novelo urged his social media followers that his decision to do this mainly to help in the education of the general public. He is hoping to help convince everyone to follow the Health Ministry's advice of regular hand-washing, properly wearing face masks, and practicing social distancing.

Here are a few excerpts from his testimonial, in which he called for compassion on behalf of other Belizeans who are currently getting the bad news that they contracted COVID-19:

Carlos Novelo - COVID-19 Patient
"I commend those who have already come out as being positive. It is very commendable, and they are very brave souls. I really admire that, and it's one of the reasons that inspired me to do this video."

"Unfortunately, I have been tested positive for COVID-19. As you know, I work on the frontlines. It's not easy. The virus does not care who you are, what you do, where you are. The virus does not discriminate."

"I really ask for empathy for people who have been afflicted with this disease. I think that is the best thing we could do, and whatever support that we can show, whether it is just a 'Hey, are you okay? We're here for you.' Honestly, that really helps a lot. It's very encouraging. And I'm also glad that none of us are really suffering symptoms. It can be managed at home, or it can be managed where we're isolated."

"I just had a mini-attack of shortness of breath. But thankfully, I was helped. I have support from my family. A family member helped me with vaporizing actually. So, it really does help. For those who are having difficulty breathing. It helps, and I can tell you right now, hot water. You cut lime. Put some lime in there. Cut some onion, put it in there as well, and Vicks. Whether you like it or not, Vicks really does help - apologies about that. Vick does help. And then, you just breathe in the vapor. It helps you breathe better."

"Day 2, not a good day. Just take care of yourself. Take care of your family. Take it seriously. Take this thing seriously. I know that some people think that because you're young, and you're strong. I get cussed out for telling people to use face masks."

Novelo has promised to provide regular updates on what his road to recovery looks like.

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