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Chester, Social Media Supercop Makes the Rounds
Thu, August 13, 2020

And enforcing the law is just what Williams was up to in the north yesterday. We've told you about the tip-offs he got from Facebook and his quick responses, and today we asked him how he uses social media as a policing tool for real time responses:


"Sir in that vein we saw you really use social media to police that area. You were getting notification of things and responding to them and dealt with them timely. Tell me about that process."

Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police

"Of course I do get a lot of information from social media and as the commissioner of police, I try my best to be able to keep up with all that is occurring, even though it is a lot and there were several things that we had act upon yesterday including the man who posted on social media that he wanted to contract the virus so he could spread it to other people. That to me is a very serious matter because at the end of the day to threaten to spread a very contagious virus, is not something to joke about and so for us, he must be sought to ensure he does not have the virus and is spreading it, so he has been swabbed yesterday, placed into quarantine and when the test result come back, if he is negative, then he will be released from quarantine but if it is that we need to swab him every week to make sure that he is not infected and spread the virus to people, then we are going to do that."
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