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Straying Doctor Put in Quarantine
Mon, August 17, 2020
The cops also had to arrest and charge a doctor for breaking quarantine rules after he tested positive for COVID-19.

As we showed you on Friday night's news, the doctor was seen at a loans business on Friday afternoon - this is after he got a positive test earlier in the week - and was sent to self-isolate.

Police confirmed that this doctor - who works at the KHMH - did go to the micro loans facility, when he should not have been anywhere near the general public.

The Commissioner told us what the cops did about it:

Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police
"We have the issue with the doctor who had tested positive and was supposed to be in quarantine and was seen at a business establishment in Belize City. We investigated the matter and the investigation revealed that he was indeed out when he should have been in quarantine and based on that he was picked up and placed in mandatory isolation and upon completion of his isolation, he will be charged under the regulation for breach of quarantine requirements."

"Sir, any consideration being given - from what I was made to understand that doctor didn't have any form of support; he needed to do urgent business in town and absolutely no one wanted to assist him because he tested positive for COVID-19?"

Chester Williams
"Well, it's not a matter for me to determine; it is a matter for the court to decide if they will accept his explanation. My interest is to ensure that people follow the law and that he doesn't do anything that put additional people at risk; to go to a financial institution to me was very irresponsible, but at the same time I would want to agree that maybe something should have been put in place by the Ministry of Health to help him get his necessities because for us with our officers who are in isolation we ensure that we do things for them so that they do not have to come out and we believe that by doing so that will keep them where they are in isolation until they are cleared of the virus."

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