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There Were Corridor Complaints
Fri, October 16, 2020
The relaxation is also in response to tourist complaints about the safe corridor restrictions. Apparently, its a deterrent to would be travellers and with what is traditionally the high season coming up in November, something had to give.

The Director of Tourism says the idea now is too increase the reach of the gold standard certification to restaurants and gift shops:

Karen Bevans, Director of Tourism
"While we are pleased with the arrival process, we have been receiving concerns from stakeholders on feedback from guests with the restrictions in movement within Belize. The Prime Minister mentioned the same earlier and as a result, the relaxation in the restrictions are of course great news to the tourism industry. But while that is great news we also want to be mindful of the fact that persons are travelling, but the consideration on safety or the fact that safety is their number one consideration in choosing a destination. With that said then moving forward, we plan to expand the safe corridor to include all tourism gold standard certification business within the tourism industry. As you are aware, we already have the tourism gold standard certification program in place for hotels and tour operators. The plan moving forward is to adapt that program and offer it to other businesses within the tourism industry, including restaurants, tourism sites - we have car rentals and taxis that have already been trained and certified and adding gift shops as well."

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