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Mother and Unborn Child Lost To COVID
Mon, September 6, 2021
And while the nation saw the gun that killed Jesse, Nicole Baptist was killed by an invisible virus. The 31-year-old was pregnant when she contracted the virus and needed hospitalization.

A day after being intubated, she lost her child, and then on Sunday, she passed away.

Baptist was the general manager at Paulino's Funeral Home, and was engaged to its director, Milton Paulino.

She was described by many as caring and dedicated to those who needed her care the most. She committed to helping those whose lives were changed by gun violence, and today, many of those same people felt the loss. Courtney Menzies spoke to a long-time friend of hers, and has this story.

An aspiring doctor, mother, and wife-to-be's life came to a sad and sudden end this weekend. 31-year-old Nicole Baptist had to be intubated on Tuesday - resulting in the death of her unborn child - and then on Sunday, she succumbed to the deadly COVID 19 virus.

The tragedy has left those closest to her devastated - a giver gone so quickly. Baptist had spent her life helping others. Ever since her brother died exactly eight years before did, she joined an organization known as "One Struggle" where she dedicated her life to those affected by gun violence. The group is headed by Philip Willoughby, who spoke about his long time friendship with Baptist.

Philip Willoughby, Friend of Deceased
"To me Nicole maybe physically is not here with us, but she lives on amongst inside of all of us who are a part of the One Struggle, and why I say this: a star may be born every day, she wasn't no ordinary star, she was like a super start to us in the group. She would be that person you would give the ball to in the fourth quarter with seconds to go. She wasn't no mediocre personality, she could do magic with a cupcake or a cake and still be gentle enough to be caring, compassionate, kind and loving to everybody."

He also spoke about her aspiration to join the medical field, which she had to put aside because of COVID.

Philip Willoughby, Friend of Deceased
"Nicole, first career goal, he aspiration was to be a doctor. She was studying to be a doctor. Unfortunately Covid came, certain anomalies came along also and she deferred her studies for the meanwhile and she was dedicated to the group based on her knowledge and her love and care for the guys who were a part of One Struggle now who got injured and were either bound to a wheelchair or walking stick or bedridden. She would be that guardian angel who would go out and physically attend to these young men for us."

"We are all shaken by her death, but like I said she is not physically here, but of she left anything with us, it is for us to continue with the way she lived life to the fullest. She was a wonderful person with a beautiful personality."

And her other dreams involved being a wife and mother. Willoughby explained that she had a 12-year-old daughter who would have been joined by this newborn. There was also a wedding in her future.

Philip Willoughby, Friend of Deceased
"A surprised wedding was on the horizon for her with Mr. Paulino, the guy from the funeral home and I only heard she did magic and wonderful things over there after she joined the organization alongside the Paulino family and I send my condolences to him and I know he is heartbroken. I was made to understand herself and Mr. Paulino was expecting and due to the covid19 virus the baby also was lost. Sad to say."

And as Willoughby mentioned, this is the family's third COVID-related death - the other two being Verna Gladden and Christy Pope, the latter having passed away shortly after giving birth to her own child.

Philip Willoughby, Friend of Deceased
"The family has been shaken by death most sadly, because death is untimely you would say. I believe about 2 weeks thereabout a loved one was lost to the same covid19. I think another family member had recently passed also and 8 year ago to her death she lost her brother, so that was hos 8 year anniversary."

Baptist's brother, Arthur Baptist, was shot in June 2013, but passed away on September 5th, 2013 - exactly 8 years before his sister - after suffering significant brain damage which left him mute and in a wheelchair.

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