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More Discord At BMP City Council
Thu, August 11, 2022
Belmopan Mayor Sheran Palacio wanted a new deputy but it seems relations with her councilors are so fraught that she didn't even go to them for a vote.

Instead, the council announced in a Facebook post yesterday that she had selected councilor Pauline Soberanis Tillet as deputy mayor but it seems that the councilor wanted to be elected not selected.

And, shortly after the Mayor's post, Soberanis put up her own post saying Thanks, but no thanks. Adding, quote: " I would just like to say that we did not have a meeting, voting or anything for me to have been elected, therefore, I declined. I continue to serve to the best of my ability." End quote.

And for he part the former or actual deputy mayor of Belmopan Guadalupe Chicas also chimed in saying posting the proper procedures to be used in electing a deputy mayor and adding, quote: "My apologies but I cannot stay silent anymore.[...] the adviser needs to do better."

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