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Buckle Up Regulations Led To Police Shake Down
Tue, April 23, 2024
The Professional Standards Branch is investigating a police Sergeant who is accused of extorting three persons in San Ignacio by trying to cash in on the new seatbelt enforcement regs.

The 66 year old victim filed a report saying that he was traveling from Cristo Rey village to San Ignacio when he was stopped by a police mobile. The officer then reportedly informed the driver that he was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt and would need to pay a fine up front of $200 per person in the vehicle. There were 3 people in the vehicle.

The driver told the policeman that he does not have the funds to pay, and asked why he was not given a ticket. He claims that the police officer informed him that they are no longer issuing tickets and are now charging fines. The complainant then handed the police officer a $100 note and the police informed him that he would have to pay the rest to the treasury. Additional sources claim that two more complaints were made of a similar situation happening in Benque.

We'll follow up with police to see where investigations are leading.

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