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In SISE, Mahler And Mayor Make Amends
Wed, May 1, 2024
Before the March 6th elections, you saw BTB and the PUP San Ignacio/Santa Elena slate host a groundbreaking for a boardwalk and river park in San Ignacio and Santa Elena.

The recently re-elected UDP mayor, Earl Trapp - who was never consulted - called it illegal and put the project on an indefinite pause following his win.

But the project might not be dead and buried just yet. Today the Tourism Minister said he's working alongside the mayor to bring it to life.

Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism
"We're working it out, I had a good meeting with Mayor Trapp and he and I are reasonable people so we quickly saw eye to eye and we're going to work on projects to uplift the community that you have asked about."

"So we can anticipate that that project will proceed?"

Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism

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