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ComPol Tells Shyne To Shut His Mouth
Mon, May 6, 2024
And while that murder happened in the west, the ComPol spent the weekend in the north, overseeing the joint operations between the security forces along the border.

In a press briefing this morning, he explained the purpose for his trip - which was to see what could be improved in terms of policing - but it was really about slamming the Leader of the Opposition for calling Belize a "narco-state" - and saying that the PUP was directly responsible for "narco infiltration."

The commissioner today called those comments reckless.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"We have certainly stepped up our presence in the area, I did a tour of the area over the weekend, I made several observations and I'll be putting my observations into a document and submit to Cabinet with recommendations in terms of what additional efforts I think that we can put into the area to enhance the level of security for people so there is where we are. I know I had listened to the Leader of the Opposition, I have to excuse him because it's mental health month so he had certainly made several baseless and irresponsible comments. Even going as far as painting Belize as a narco state. I don't know where he gets that from or if he knows what is the definition of a narco state and also speaking about he issue of the norther operations that we should bring other stakeholders from the NGOs and so forth to the table, this is a very highly sensitive operation that we're conducting and because of the nature of the operations, we cannot include NGOs or persons who are not a part of the security apparatus in the planning for several reasons. One, it also has to do with the security of those people because once people get to understand who are parties to the plan against them, then they become a target and so we will not do that and likewise to be able to ensure confidentiality in terms of how the operations are going to be executed, again, there has to be confidentiality because the security of the troops on the ground is important so we cannot have persons who are not a part of the security apparatus being involved in such operations so again like I said, he continues to make some very reckless comments that I think that he needs properly advised and maybe sometime just shut his mouth before spewing nonsense."

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