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Rejected Once More, Boots Marches On
Mon, May 6, 2024
ANTHONY BOOTS MARTINEZ - he spearheaded a recall petition drive back in mid 2023, and almost a year later - he's experienced nothing but setbacks.

The latest came today when his attorney Dickie Bradley got a letter from the Chief Elections officer saying basically, "it's ovah now!"

He had asked her office to re-consider the signatures it rejected - because he re-submitted them with sworn affidavits.

Well, the Chief Elections officer wrote back saying she cannot re-do the exercise.

But, the semi-retired politician is not tired yet - he says he will challenge the decision in court:

Anthony Boots Martinez, Will Challenge Rejection of Petition
"And I think that the chief election officer is totally delinquent and incompetent in my view. And I think in other countries, those people needs to resign, you know. Who will you thwart the will of the people?"

"Nobody asks you for no help, Mr. Tamai. We are saying do your job, the law says you must verify the signature of the 188 signature that they say doesn't match. I personally witnessed the signature of 172."

"So I am certain that the people are willing to go testify that they signed a petition. The petition is the petition. The law is the law. And we want to take this as far as we could."

Martinez says his attorneys are Dean Barrow and Dickie Bradley.

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