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MIDH Minister Said Belcan Bridge Is Urgent, MOF Seems Unconvinced
Wed, May 8, 2024
And to pick up with the infrastructure conversation from the last segment, we turn to the Belcan Bridge. The last time we spoke to the MIDH minister, speaking about the urgent condition of the bridge, he said, quote "If somebody gets hurt, it's going to be a problem."

And a problem it is indeed to gather the funds to repair it. Today we asked him again for an update as to how far along they are in the bidding process to begin repairs, here's what he told us.

Julius Espat, Minister of infrastructure and Development
"I have no clue as to what is in their plans when it pertains to giving us the budget. We have done our job. Our job is to analyze the structures, to alert them as to the emergent need of replacing it."

"We have done the feasibility study, we have done the design, we have secured the loan. It's up to the Ministry of Finance to make the final decision and I have no real input in that."

"This can't be news to you. I'm sure you will get updates and information as time passes."

Julius Espat
"That's gossip. I don't deal with gossip. I deal with what decisions are made in Cabinet."

"So you are basically still waiting for a response after doing the study?"

Julius Espat
"From day one we are waiting for a response. But it's not our decision. Remember, we are service providers and if the allocation is given to us, the work will start immediately. If they believe that there are other priorities, then I have to respect that."

The Belcan Bridge opened in 1969.

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