7 News Belize

Journalist Cautioned By Police
posted (June 2, 2011)
As you saw earlier in the newscast, Belizeans For Justice President Yolanda Schakron was almost charged for aggravated assault today.

Well, her fellow activists have also been put on notice. Geovanni Brackett who is a journalist for Plus TV and the Vice President OF COLA wore both hats at yesterday's bridge blocking protest.

But we can say for sure that 99% of the time he was working as a camera-man and reporter.

Still, police hand delivered a hand written warning to him this evening which he read out to us this evening:…

Geovanni Brackett, Journalist - Plus TV and the Vice President OF COLA
"Today several members have received this same letter from ACP Mr. Elodio Aragon. I will just read briefly; "The police officers including myself remove yourself from the bridge so as to free up the traffic flow, however instead of doing so you resisted and began behaving disorderly which constitutes a crime" now Monica I may be the vice president and may wear many other hats but I am also a journalist and a camera man and yesterday I was a journalist and a camera man. I was on the bridge, I have been on the scene from since the morning covering the story but it no way or no form of fashion was I blocking the bridge. I can't understand why Mr. Aragon would accuse me of even participating in a riot or a protest."

"Now I don't say that I don't supporting my organization like COLA, I don't say that I don't support Belizeans or Justice and the squatters, but there is a moral support, during the exchange of yesterday - you and I have been together yesterday, Jules and I have been together and what happen was is that yes towards the end I did give an interview. But I am a citizen - I have the right to give an interview and if I sound passion - I was passionate about the issue but that doesn't allude that I was in the way blocking the bridge."

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