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Willoughby On Market Proposal
posted (June 8, 2011)
Yesterday we told about a proposal made up by wholesale farmers at the Michael Finnegan's marketplace. On that proposal was a list of concerns that wholesale farmers had - particularly with the new move to Hicattee Street. The move which took effect on June first has since been causing drama in the area - not only for the vendors but also area residents. Yesterday a meeting was held between those residents along with wholesale vendors and the council. 7news met with Councilor Willoughby today who told us the outcome of the meeting:

Deputy Mayor Phillip Willoughby
"As of June 1, the end result should have been that the retailers occupy the Michael Finnegan Market, and the wholesalers, or the vendors/farmers/producers utilitize the Hiccatee Street area. Up to June 1, I believe that all of us who engaged that that time, had agreed on what the end result would have been, but things change, and we need to agile and flexible to adapt and adjust with the flow and larger scheme of things. Well as a result of yesterday's gathering, Mr. Hyde, along with the Producers/Farmers formed an association to discuss their interests. And I said that if the Council and our staff we entertained a discussion - we need to cooperate, the residents as well as the retailers. As a result of the meeting now, we sought to look at: 1, restructuring the hours - that's a possibility - and within that time period - but they have to be in agreement with the retailers, who will come back to the people who they represent from the discussion, within the Michael Finnegan Market, in agreement with what was discussed, along with what Mr. Hyde and his people discussed, and then ultimately, we have established and met that common ground. So over the next few days, the discussion will go back to each vendor, and then we huddle-up - I believe Monday or Tuesday to hammer out the details of the discussion, and where we need to make adjustment, and what leverage whichever one has, and then we move forward."

The council plans to meet with the venders either on Monday or Tuesday of next week.

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