7 News Belize

BIL Will Build
posted (July 30, 2014)

And while Puerto Azul is in a nebulous stage not so for BIL, that's Belize Investment Limited. That's the special purpose vehicle government designed to oversee and manage the construction of sports facilities in all the districts. All told the projects will come up to 60 million dollars, 25 million of that for Belize City and five million each for the municipalities. Today at the Press conference, Manager Christy Mastry gave an overview of what's happened so far the 6 projects which are in the design stage, and one on which work has started:..

Christy Mastry, General Manager BIL

"These are some of the projects we have contracted to date, the first being Victor Galvez which is a recreational field in San Ignacio and that is really an OUTDOOR recreational space that the community uses for running track; So we will be refurbishing the pathways, outdoor courts, the practice football field itself and other small service amenities within the area. The second is Santa Elena, it has little over 10 acres of land and it really has the ability to house 2 full football fields; So what we are doing is dedicating 1 field to performance competition and so forth, and the second to be open to the public and to the youths at all times for practice. The third, also in San Ignacio is Falcon field and that was a design built contract for 850,000 dollars and that is in construction right now. It's a large roofed facility that will be able to house both volleyball and basketball with bleachers, we're putting in restrooms, we're refurbishing the stage, a new bus stop and it's on Joseph Andrews Boulevard which is also in construction so it is kind of completing that area as an outdoor facility. The next is Belmopan and that is also the improvement of a football facility and this is really complimenting a lot of stakeholder consultation we've done in the area as well as meetings with F.F.B. We've met a lot with them about their facility that they're working on putting in bleachers and have at least one competitive qualifying field throughout the country because for us to qualify for Champion's League to compete in the regionals, we have to have a qualifying field. So what's nice about this; It's a complimentary field within the city of Belmopan so if they are doing practice on one field, the other field can be used for competition play."

San Pedro will get a football field with synthetic turf because of the difficulties growing suitable grass in the island soil.

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