7 News Belize

Bees Swarm To Seven News
posted (September 3, 2014)
First snakes, now bees? That's what you'll probably be saying after our next story – which is about a large beehive that recently nested itself unto the eastern corner of our Channel 7 studio. We didn't see it until yesterday, but we don't know how we missed the huge and active hive! So this morning we called the Agriculture Department who came over to destroy the hive – Monica Bodden spoke to them:..

The bee experts say that the hive was formed because mangrove is flowering in the coastal area right now – and all that sweet honey we tasted was the product of mangrove flowers. They say that bee populations in Belize have been in decline this year due to drought conditions. Without rain, there aren't enough flowers, and no flowers no pollen for the bees.

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