7 News Belize

Seismic Stress
posted (October 17, 2016)
Last week we told you about the Ministry of Economic Development and Petroleum's plan to conduct seismic surveys in offshore Belize. The environmental community has expressed grave concern about this, especially after Cabinet approved the surveys without an Environmental Impact Assessment. Since then, the Belize Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage, which consists of organizations like OCEANA and the World Wildlife Fund, has asked the Cabinet to stay its decision until proper assessments can be done in order to determine the effects of the surveys on the marine environment. The Coalition has received no response from the government, however a statement from SeaBird Exploration, the company contracted to do the surveys has them up in arms.

According to SeaBird's release, the company will be conducting surveys in Belize starting mid-October. This is concerning to many because SeaBird describes itself as "a global provider of marine acquisition for 2D/3D and 4D seismic data, and associated products and services to the oil and gas industry."

In a press releases sent out today, the Coalition highlights its concerns, repeats its appeal for the Cabinet to stay its decision until an EIA can be completed, and asks that the government communicate with stakeholders about its plans.

Pakeman File Still With DPP

Today we asked Ladyville police about the status with the Dorian Pakeman file. Pakeman, the Director of the Government Press Office knocked down and killed 45 year-old Gardenia Villager Dean Dawson back in March

As we've reported, Pakeman's sample tested positive for the presence of cocaine - but the DPP never got that result because a police officer suppressed it. And at the same time Dawson's blood sample appears to have been tampered with because it had more alcohol than blood. A lot of funny business in this case for sure, and today Broaster said they are following up on instructions from the DPP:

The professional standards branch is investigating the contamination of Dean Dawson's blood sample.

New Beat For New Cops

And while the dirty cop who did that will have to found, Ladyville today welcomed 10 new officers. They were receiving orientation today, and Broaster says they will have to walk the straight and narrow:…

Former Vega CEO Beverly Castillo Williams Has No Worries

And keeping it in Ladyville, the area representative for that area was a former career public servant turned politician Beverly Castillo, now Beverly Williams. That career as a public officer and her UDP loyalty led her to the CEO's office in the Ministry of Natural Resources back in 2008. She served there under Gaspar Vega until 2013, when she went to pursue her career in politics. So is Castillo now concerned that an audit of the department is underway? That is might unearth dirty deals which went down when she was CEO? Today she bristled at that suggestion and told us she doesn't have the slightest concern:…

Williams is now the Minister of State in the Ministry of Immigration.

Vega Nephew Almost Came Up On BTL?

And tonight, we have a brief look at another land deal concerning a Vega relative. This time it's former Deputy Lands Commissioner Nestor Hernandez - who is Vega's nephew. Hernandez was the former deputy commissioner of lands who formed a company named NSV Enterprise. The owners of record are Nestor Eduardo Hernandez and Susanna Angelica Hernandez. Now, here's what happened. BTL already owned a parcel of land in Hopkins upon which it had a tower and phone switch. BTL had title, but through some arrangement, a connected person named Moses Lopez got title for the land in 2013, which he then sold to NSV Enterprise Limited. As we understand it, someone acting on behalf of NSV went to BTL and demanded payment since BTL was on their property. The company balked, and we understand a complaint went to the Prime Minister. We do know that Hernandez was terminated from the ministry in 2014.

COLA With Teachers

At the top of the news, we showed you this morning's meeting between Prime Minister and the teachers as part of the Joint Unions Negotiating Team. He's trying to bring a close to the strike, while under pressure from the Gaspar Vega scandal which has forced this senior member of his Cabinet to resign due to the public embarrassment it has caused.

Part of their stance for industrial action is for good governance, and an end to corruption. Today, COLA, held a press conference to announce that the teachers are not alone. Here is an excerpt of that event where President Geovannie Brackett is declaring why they remain aligned with the BNTU:

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