7 News Belize

Clash Between PSU President And Auditor General, Flowers Says It's Deeper Than That
posted (April 26, 2024)
The Auditor General's Office has beef with president of the PSU, Dean Flowers.

A signed letter from about a dozen Audit Department Employees refer to what they call "baseless statements" he made when criticizing the Auditor General, Dorothy Bradley.

They said his statements - and those made from this news desk - can undermine the integrity, professionalism and independence of their office.

We asked Flowers today if he's going to apologize or backtrack:

Dean Flowers, President, PSU
"The letter is viewed as clearly a group of staff being coerced and perhaps misguided in signing because there was absolutely nothing spoken about the quality of work of the staff. It was about the leadership who in my humble view has not made any significant efforts in resolving the grievances that exist within the department and neither have there been audits of substance that would help in detailing how our funds are being spent and holding those accountable who are fleecing those."

"Now the letter, since it would appear that that is what the media wishes to sensationalize, would have said not much. It would have referenced a commentary by Channel 7 in terms of the manner in which Jules would have referred to the office as a spinning political wheel, I believe it is, and the offices would have voiced their support for the auditor general."

"What the letter failed to address is the continued victimization and eight years of grievances that the staff is going through and so it's a clear divide and conquer by a handful of staff who clearly might have the reasons for penning that letter and that's their right."

"But they don't have the right to say to the representative of the workers that have been victimized and continue to be victimized and continue to be aggrieved for the past eight years that the union does not have the right to speak up on behalf of those workers. I would hope that they would think about revising their letter and detail their accounts and the audits that have been done over the last two years under the auspices of the leadership of the Auditor General rather than making blanket statements."

"I would also like to counsel that group of members to kindly refer themselves to the budget estimates and the budget performances. Kindly refer yourself to that before you allow yourself to be manipulated to signing these blanket statements."

"You will see, and I have those, I can present those to you, that where audits are concerned there is a number of fix in terms of the amount of audits. They would have spoken of recommendations. You would look at the audit estimates and their report in the audit estimates for the past two years, and there is not a single recommendation issued."

"So I really don't know what they're referring to in the latter."

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